Monday, April 9, 2012

acrylic paintings of various schema

Adventures in acrylic, or something.
Here's a painting from this past fall. "Untitled" 2011, 6' x 5', acrylic.

Here it began.

And then it mutated once I built the canvases onto the frame.

The final (ish) product.

So far it is my greatest achievement in public relations, due to the owner's girlfriend being legitimately creeped out by it. She's a sweet girl. /Evil chuckle nonetheless

And: a mural I did for a woman in Rochester-- she wanted me to copy an old cranberry advertisement and elaborate on the pose and setting. She preferred the character to not have a spine. This one's 2.5' by 4', acrylic.

Her chihuahua bit me.
It was a good lesson in never using pencil in the under painting. Can't cover it up very well.

work from the past two weeks

I like to do my friends recital posters for practice--

My good friend Michelle is a singer in The Tree ( and will soon be performing in her Senior Jazz Vocal recital...

A quick sketch for the finished poster.

A version..
The final thingamajig.
I started and restarted Michelle's poster three times, even though simplicity should have been key from day one. Sometimes you learn much more in failing than succeeding. Generally, I don't fuck up the same way twice. I call it a general success.

The guitarist of The Tree, Riley Stockwell, recently performed in his Junior Recital. I didn't get a chance to scan the original before I gave it to him. So this is what I've got:

Me and Riley's poster in the confines of a pre-owned Jetta.

I like making art for people that truly appreciate it. You shoulda seen the grin on Riley's mum. Hah!

Entry Numero Uno, and how.


My name is Mia. I am an illustrator. 
Here's a sampling of pen and ink & watercolor images-


Yeti in the Freezer? From an A. Lee Martinez book.

a Grimm tale.

a boy with a grouchy flower.

a boy and his mermaid friend.

snowy homestead.